Crombie Running for Mississauga Mayor
24/04/2024Is Electoral Process Democratic?
13/05/2024Debate Democracy
Monday, May 6th, TOPCA excluded me from their debate saying I didn’t register early enough even though the deadline for nominations was well known. All the current Councillors got a seat at the table. Tuesday, May 7th, MIRANET excluded me from their debate saying they only had room for six, though only five showed up. Not one newcomer was welcome at this table. Is the fix in?
Both these organizations say they are for greater community voice in city decision making. But they silence a qualified and passionate candidate from participating. Actions speak louder than words.
I sent them what I thought was an excellent letter explaining how their decision was undemocratic and against my charter rights, but they just ignored it. Please take a read and tell me if they were right or wrong in taking away my right to speak. Here is the link to: view or download the letter.
Brian Crombie